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Online Course Survey

Thank you all for the tremendous response to the online correspondence course survey.  Many of you posted comments or emailed with your thoughts and it certainly helped me to put things into perspective.  Gail Petersen of the USA sent me a lovely long email on her experiences as an online tutor which was particularly helpful.  I can see that a lot of you have concerns about the time frame, software required, materials required, cost of postage etc and many of you feel that student – teacher interaction is essential.

Having taken all of your requests into consideration I think I have come up with a concept which should suit you all, PC/MAC/other users alike.  You may be surprised at the outcome as I have simplified it greatly – we will be going back to basics – the fundamentals of our craft – the stitching.  However it will include everything you need to participate in the course at your own pace but still have the optional benefits of modern technology.

To answer some of your questions:

The cost will be based on courses of a similar nature such as EGA correspondence courses and the RSN day classes and there will be a one off, overseas postage cost of about $15 for the materials.  Sorry I can’t be more specific right now but hope to have full details of the course posted on my website within the next few weeks.

Threads will be Anchor/DMC stranded cotton as recommended for this style of embroidery – I cannot guarantee availability of these materials in your part of the world but will provide a supplier list to make it easier for you.

Student interaction and personal assessment will be available for those who want it, but is not compulsory.

There will be no time restrictions but assessment will expire after a six month period.

No special software is required, just internet facilities.

The course will be available for ALL levels.  Class numbers will be limited to enable individual attention – course registration will be closed when the class is filled until the next six month period.

I want to emphasise that the objective of this course is to provide tuition for those unable to attend one of my classes personally (due to distance/other).  It will be an all-inclusive study package for those who wish to progress in needle painting embroidery.  I always have your best interests at heart and hope to offer an enjoyable, stress free, study experience.

I will not be posting for the next two weeks as am snowed under with the edits on the new book.  Meantime, take care, have a wonderful week and enjoy your stitching!


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