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Blocking your embroidery

Hello Everyone

I am away on holiday this week so you won’t hear from me next week and sales on the website will be closed till my return.  Unlike many of you overseas who are on summer holiday we are in the middle of a cold cold winter here in Cape Town so I am looking forward to going to a warmer climate – the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.

As you all know I was born and bred in Zimbabwe so it will be like going home.  My older girls have visited the falls before but my youngest has never been there so she will be able to see one of the seven wonders of the world and experience the real Africa for the first time!  ( We don’t consider Cape Town to be real Africa it is more like Switzerland with its’ mountain ranges and green green surrounds.)

I am looking forward to chilling out, going on game drives, spending time with my family, re-charging my batteries and will probably do a bit of knitting just for a change.

This week I was going to discuss with you the option of blocking your work, but Mary Corbet says it all so I am going to refer you to her article here.  Thanks Mary!

When using a hoop especially a super grip hoop you will notice that you are left with a hoop mark that can be very difficult to get rid of.  Stubborn creases like this are best removed by blocking your fabric – here are two other ways to prevent and get rid of hoop marks:

1.  Mount a second piece of scrap fabric such as calico on top of your main fabric.  Cut a large hole around the area to be stitched.  This little cover will prevent dirty hoop marks.

2.  Use a pre-wash spray or liquid on the hoop mark (be careful not to spray it onto your embroidery, just the mark).  Wash in tepid water and rinse thoroughly, this should remove the mark.

In Need Of Inspiration.  I have a cousin in the UK, Gill who does wonderful needlework and was responsible for me starting out with cross stitch.  She recently purchased an embroidery machine and I just had to share with you some of her gorgeous creations.  The Christmas stocking was made for my youngest daughter who will be thrilled and she is busy making another two for my elder daughters who should NOT still have Christmas stockings but they talk me into it every year!  The t shirt was made for her grandaughter Holly – She is very  humble about her work but really it is perfection – if you would like to make contact you can email her here.

Wherever you are have a wonderful week and happy stitching.  Trish

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