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Hello Everyone

This week as promised we are going to make a start on the article How To Design An Embroidery Project.  We will begin with:

STAGE ONE – Choosing A Project Picture & Gaining Permission.

The first thing I do is find a picture – this could be from a book, greeting card, painting or online.  Unless I have something specific in mind I generally look online as this gives me the widest choice available so in other words GOOGLE IT!  So lets say I am looking for a bird, I normally have an idea of the type of bird I want to embroider – lets say I am looking for a common kingfisher:  once I have googled this I will scroll through the hundreds of options looking for something that appeals.  When I say appeals – I mean the bird has to have that “someting”, i.e. a bit of character, it should be telling a story and not just sitting stiffly on a branch, maybe some fluffed out feathers or a comical look in its eye, here are some of the things I look for:

Sourcing a good picture

Some of the things we need to be careful of when choosing a picture are:


Quite often my pictures are made up of a combination of elements from different images – such as a bird from one, a branch from another and a flower from another.  As you know the kingfisher I chose is the one top left and here is the finished embroidery so you can see what it looks like.

Common kingfisher


As you are aware whenever we use someone’s work be it a painting, illustration or photo we are obliged to gain permission to use it.  The only exception is if the work is approx 70 – 100 years old and in the Public Domain.  I made the mistake of using a diagram from someone’s book once without gaining permission which  resulted in a lengthy and costly court case – so please get permission! Most artists and photographers are very accomodating and will give permission as long as you acknowledge them as the source others will charge a licence /copyright fee.  So how do you go about gaining permission:


Since I am working on miniatures at the moment I have decided to use this little pansy basket as a sample project.  Why was I drawn to this picture in particular?

Below is a picture which is from a vintage postcard by artist Catherine Klein.

Catherine Klein was a German artist born in 1861.   She attended the Art School in Berlin and painted flower pictures, eventually in “gouche” (opaque watercolor).   Although there were thousands of painters in the art centers of Berlin, Munich, Dresden, Dusseldorf and Nurenberg in the 1890’s, Catherine Klein became the best known flower painter because her work appeared in print.  Art teachers then began using Catherine  Klein pictures for models and her vintage postcards and prints have rapidly gained in popularity today for both collectors and artists.  I like to know a bit about the artist’s work I am reproducing it helps me to empathise with the era and style of art.

I originally found the picture on Pinterest on the board of Dorothee Muller , which led me to Vintage Images Blogspot and made contact with the owner, Dorothy who kindly granted permission.  The first thing I did was to print out a project board like the one below with the original picture and some enlarged details of the basket, pansies etc to help me follow whilst stitching.  I use Corel Photo Paint for editing my images, which allows me to touch up the pictures and enlarge aspects of it.

Pansy Basket details.

Next week we will talk about how to trace the outline, what materials to use and how to go about getting it onto your fabric.  Meantime wherever you are in the world, be it winter, summer or spring have a wonderful week and happy stitching.  Trish




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