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New Kits

Hello everyone

Hope this finds you on top of the world?  I am delighted to announce that the new handbook and the long awaited two new kits are now available for sale in the ETSY store.


The handbook is something I have been working on for over a year now when time allows and is finally in print.   The book is based on the knowledge that I have acquired to date on the techniques of Needlepainting & Whitework embroidery.  It is a 78 page coil bound notebook, printed on top quality coated paper,  in a convenient size – it is not a project book but outlines everything you need to know about the materials, preparation, and stitches required for these styles of embroidery and includes a “Solutions” section at the back with answers to FAQs from customers and students.

It provides practical solutions to many of the challenges that confront us with our embroidery and will prove an essential partner to any of my
projects, kits or patterns. All future kit instructions will include a stitch glossary only, as you can refer to the “Handbook” for detailed methods.  This will do away with the need to duplicate the methods in each instruction booklet and so save on printing costs.

Divided into two sections:

This book is a supplement and not intended to replace any of my published project books which include greater detail on specific subjects.  Here are a few extracts below – you can find the handbook here.



This is the latest in the Whitework With Colour patterns.  It is available as a pattern pack with instructions, fabric and needles or alternatively you can purchase it as a full kit with threads.  At present there are limited full kits available but more in stock in a few weeks.  You can find the full kit here and the pattern pack here.


I have received numerous emails awaiting the release of this design, and apologize for the delay but here it is!  This is the sister design to Provencal, and can be paired with it or stitched alone.  I particularly enjoyed stitching this little design as had the feeling of being drawn into the scene as I stitched.  It is a vibrant miniature needlepainting which was reproduced from a painting by Louise Marion in Canada.  It is available as a pattern pack with pre-printed linen fabric, instruction booklet and needles.    You can find the pattern pack here.

I have a few more surprises to report in the next few weeks,  till we chat again,  wherever you are in the world happy stitching and keep smiling!


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