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Ten reasons to do embroidery

Hello everyone

Hope this finds you well?  In the next two blog posts we are going to explore the Top Ten Reasons For Doing Embroidery, why we do it and what it does for us and others.

Basically we are going to justify what we love to do most!   I believe our embroidery has more far-reaching consequences then we or others realize.    If our embroidery makes us happier, relaxed and more fulfilled this will certainly benefit those around us, our work, our home and life in general?   I know that when my husband goes on a fishing trip or to a live rugby game he comes back with a smile on his face and in a great mood so we all reap the benefits, why shouldn’t it be the same for us and our embroidery?

Lets take a look at the first five reasons – not in order of any importance:

  1. It is satisfying & rewarding.   Anyone who says “I am not creative” is wrong, we all have a creative sense, it is just a matter of honing it to a specific style of embroidery.  Giving life to something original that you have created yourself is so rewarding.  Fulfilling this is one of the most satisfying feelings you can have in life.

I have seen this proved again and again in my classes.  There was a time when I used to think that only certain people “had it”, but now I know that with a bit of guidance anyone can do it.  On a side note if frustration is setting in with the piece your are working on – put it away or even better dump it and move onto something else.  Sometimes it just does not work for us, but there are plenty of other designs out there that will give you that satisfaction.

  1. It is motivating.  The deeper you progress with your embroidery the more it challenges you because it provides a sense that there is always more to be discovered.  This motivates you not only in your embroidery but other areas of your life.

This has certainly been true for me.  It has motivated me to explore aspects related to my embroidery such as , graphic design, packaging, camera and video, computer software, websites, blogs and social media.  I am constantly on the look out for new designs and find them in the most interesting places. 

  1. It gives you confidence.   There is only one way to get confidence in yourself.  No one can give it to you – it happens when you get good at something.  You will learn things about yourself, namely that you are capable of creating something beautiful.  This will give you a great sense of achievement and the confidence to try other skills.

I have witnessed this many times with students who have no confidence in their ability, until much to their surprise, they turn out a beautiful piece of embroidery.  I watch while they look at the beautiful work they have created, and even the most hardened cynic manages a twitch in the corner of their mouth as they try to conceal their delight!

  1. It provides freedom from stress and anxiety.   Keeping your hands busy and engaged in your embroidery keeps your thoughts focused on the enjoyment, beauty and satisfaction of the task at hand.  All problems are left behind in this realm of peace and calm – it get us through the tough times in life.

Some people clean the house or polish the silver when they are anxious, I do my embroidery.  It has got me through some pretty tough times in the past, and I know that it is recommended by some of the Hospice places as a therapy for grief.  It replaces something sad with something glad.

  1. It is inspirational.   We all need inspiration in our lives whether it be in our homes, our careers, or our person.  Creating a beautiful piece of embroidery tends to make us more aware of our surroundings –  we find we are stimulated by colours and forms that we may not have noticed before.  A beautiful flower, bird, landscape or artwork may inspire our next piece of embroidery.  It enriches our lives.

The more I work with colour in my embroidery the more aware I become of colour in everything, from cooking to interior design, clothing and even the movies I watch.  The colours of the costumes in Downton Abbey are just to die for, I just have to use them!   A landscape or sunset looks more beautiful when viewed through the eyes of a potential embroidery design and I tend to see thread numbers in everything.

Till next time wherever you are in the world, be inspired, keep stitching and be happy.



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