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My Wishlist

Hello everyone

Hope you had a fantastic weekend?  This week I want to tell you about a new feature in the shopMY WISHLIST.

I have a cousin in the UK who is quite a character – she once told me that she spends hours adding items to the cart in an online Fabric shop, looks at the grand total and says “Well that was fun” and then hits the delete button!  She calls it her Retail therapy, because even if she can’t afford it she feels like she has had her shopping fun.

My WishList is similar, in that you can add items to your wish list and come back to them later.  There is no commitment to purchase anything you can just add items as and when you feel like it, and you will have your own private little wishlist.  Its so simple, here’s how it works:

Click on the heart next to the Add to cart button, to add an item to your wishlist.

A lavender blue pop up will appear. If you change your mind click on it again and it will be removed from the wish list.

Click on your WISHLIST on the top menu and it will open your wish list, showing the items you have saved.  You don’t have to register an account to use this feature it is optional.  Once you have items in your wish list you can share this list with others (send a big hint to your husband or family for the next birthday present?) or post it on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or Twitter – that way all your friends will get the hint!

You can also remove an item or add it to the cart once you are ready to buy.

Gift Cards.

On the subject of birthdays, presents etc there is another feature in the shop which allows you to purchase a GIFT CARD.

You can choose the amount you want to spend and add to the cart.  You will receive an email notification like the one below and you can forward this to the recipient to use whenever they want.  These gift cards never expire.

For those of you who have been patiently waiting for Chloe the cat – the sister design to Katarina, the good news is the stitching is complete and I am working hard to get the instructions done.  She should be ready for sale by next week so keep an eye out in the shop.  For those who don’t know we have moved from ETSY to a new shop:


Till next time, keep smiling, happy stitching and remember “Stitching forever, housework whenever”.




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