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Hello World

Hello Everyone, I missed you!  This is just a quick report to let you know I am back from Australia and wow what an incredible trip and embroidery experience.  If I was Mary Corbet I would have published this blog post on the first night back  (by the way we missed you Mary) but I feel as though I have been to the ends of the earth and back and must admit to still being in the recovery position, but reviving slowly.  Oh and yes my family did survive without me and my husband is now a fully fledged cook and knows how to operate the oven and washing machine which hopefully means he has taken over this job on a permanent basis (?) which means more stitching time for me.

I taught over 100 students between Brisbane and Adelaide – from all parts of Australia, New Zealand, UK, USA, Singapore there was even one from the Outback! (you know where Crocodile Dundee comes from).

The students I taught will stay with me forever, they were quick to learn, appreciative, had a great sense of humour and achieved so much in such a short time that I was in awe of them.

I even had a teacher in one of my classes, which was a bit intimidating but she was an absolute honey so needn’t have worried.  Can you guess who this is?

I got to meet teachers from all over the world,  even one of my mentors Tanjia Berlin from Canada , we became firm friends mainly because she gets my humour and we have loads in common.  I am a bit concerned about her adversity to Macdonalds Milkshakes but we agreed to disagree!  There were many others who I have only heard or read about and it was so interesting to compare notes, I certainly did learn a lot.   There is so much to tell that I think I will have to spread it out over a few blog posts.  Next week I will tell you all about the Beating Around The Bush convention which can only be described as awesome.  I know that the team who organised it must be flat on their backs right now, they certainly put every effort into the event and deservedly,  it was a huge success.  While I am about it thanks so much to Sally & Fiona for finding and returning my cell phone to me after the gala dinner, you are life savers!

I hope you are creating some beautiful pieces of embroidery and till next time wherever you are take care and happy stitching.  Trish

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