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Colour Schemes For Embroidery

Hello Everyone

Following onto my latest book COLOUR CONFIDENCE IN EMBROIDERY it has been suggested that I provide ongoing additional colour schemes that can be used for embroidery projects.  As you know colour is of special interest to me in my work and therefore it is no chore to do this!

So every month you will receive a new colour theme.   This scheme will be based on an inspiration from either a painting, photo, textile, artwork or similar and you will be given the colours with shades of each,  numbered using DMC stranded cotton.  I have decided on DMC cotton as this seems to be the most readily available but have given you a website where you can accurately substitute DMC with Anchor.

I will provide 3 shades of each colour and you can extend these by using your colour chart to include other shades.  These schemes are ideal for long & short stitch where shading is used,  but could also be used for crewel embroidery, stumpwork, Brazilian embroidery, Elizabethan embroidery, cross stitch, ribbon embroidery, canvas work, beading,  applique, felting, quilting etc.

You can view the theme below by clicking on the image to get a larger view,  but I have also  provided a PF file  Fresh morning rose so that you can print it out and keep it on file for future reference.  This brings to mind  another idea ………… how about a booklet on colour schemes for embroidery?  Let me know your thoughts.

I hope you like this months scheme Fresh morning rose  and as always would love to hear your feedback.  Wherever you are have a wonderful week and happy stitching.  Trish

“The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.”  George William Curtis.

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