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Whitework With Colour Book

Hello everyone

2017 has got off to a busy start, there are always new and exciting ideas to implement and over the next few weeks I will be sharing some of these with you, but today  it is time to show you something that I have been patiently waiting to reveal……….. and that is the release of the new book WHITEWORK WITH COLOUR which was finally released in Australia/New Zealand in December 2016 and UK/Europe early January 2017.  Those of you in the USA will have to be a little  bit patient as it is not due for release till next month (sorry about that).

You can find the book at most good bookstores or online booksellers – here it is on Amazon UK and for pre-release on

My advanced copy did not arrive till just after Christmas and before that I saw copies of it floating around on Instagram long before I had seen a copy!

But eventually it did arrive and I found a quiet spot, away from the rest of the family, and sat down to look through it.  It is hard to explain the feeling one gets seeing your book in print , it is awesome!

Thanks to my beautiful daughter for taking these gorgeous photos!

Despite the initial setbacks, an early review posted on Amazon by Karen Platt, a book reviewer lifted my spirits, thank you so much Karen.  Here is an extract you can read the full review here:

“It is impossible to praise this book too much, for any superlatives do not do it justice. It is supreme, beyond compare and in a league of its own. I have often admired Trish Burr’s books, but this is a book that dreams are made of…”

Below are a few extracts of projects from the book, there are 17 in all, including a starter, small, medium and large projects, ranging from easy to slightly more advanced.  Some of them are repeats in different colour schemes to see what can be achieved.  This book differs slightly from my previous books, in that I have leaned more on my own experience, sharing the methods that have worked best for me over the years.


You will be pleased to know that after lengthy discussions with the publisher I have agreed to provide fabric with printed outlines for all the projects in this book.  You can find them here in the ETSY store.

I have to confess to feeling a little bit pleased with this book – it speaks to me of a culmination of many years of hard work and the progress made over time with design layout, diagrams and instruction.  Being self taught I do understand the need for easy-to-follow instructions and I hope that you will find this to be the case with each project.  So there it is:   Whitework With Colour, my 8th book with Sally Milner Publishing, now all that remains is for you to enjoy it as much as I have done creating it for you and my mission is complete.

Till next time, keep smiling and happy stitching.




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