
Going Live!

Trish Burr Home Page


Hello everyone  just to let you know that the new website has gone  live!

Online Shop.  There is an online shop where you can purchase products through paypal and the postage is now calculated at checkout.  If you don’t think your order will reach you in time for Christmas there is an option to purchase a gift voucher – this can be emailed to a friend or printed out and put inside a card. 

Gallery.  The Gallery shows some of my newer works and also some of my older works, other works and first attempts which will give you a laugh and I think make you realise that anything is possible and hopefully encourage you to give it a try:)  You will see some canvas work there too, this is what I like to do in my “free time” as find it a welcome change from needle painting.

Free Projects.  There are also some free projects to try out,  which could come in handy for Christmas gifts.

Feel free to have a browse – Click here to access:

My daughter helped to design the new concept which I hope you will find is clean, simple and easy to navigate.  The best thing about it is I can now make my own changes without relying on the web developer so there will be new additions at regular intervals.  I would love to hear your views on what you think, what you would like to see added/taken away, what you don’t like and what you do like it is all helpful!

Have a wonderful week.  Trish

18 thoughts on “Going Live!”

  1. Pingback: 290 Blog Posts!
  2. Congrats on your new website !!! Love it !!!
    How kind of you to let us see your humble beginnings on needle painting on the gallery … Thanks so much !!!

    I’m very intrigue on how long, in average, did it take you to complete your 1st needle painting project ? Did you work regularly on it or occasionally?

    I was wondering, will you be creating a Flickr group in which we can upload/post pictures of our current wip’s/projects from your patterns and books, and maybe ask question’s and feedback as well?

    1. Thanks for your feed back and glad you enjoyed seeing my humble beginnings, I do cringe when I see them now but at the time thought they were wonderful! I will give some thought to a Flickr group. Trish

    2. In answer to your question on how long it took to complete my 1st needle painting project, that is going back about 15 years so its hard to remember exactly but I would probably have worked on it non stop till it was finished because thats what I always do! Possibly a week or two. Nowadays stitching is part of my working day so I will try and allocate at least 3 hours a day or more sometimes stitching into the night. A medium sized project could take about a week and a larger project can take up to 3 or even 4 weeks. When running a workshop I double the time needed by my students to complete a project as obviously this is something I do a lot so have become quite quick. If we are doing a two day workshop I will try and design a project that would take me one day. Having said that everyone works at a different pace and often life gets in the way so it can vary tremendously – I find it best to break the project into sections and spend time on each one, doing it beautifully and enjoying the process rather than rushing it. We only have so much wall space so rather have a few well done pieces in your collection than dozens of mediocre pieces. Hope this helps:) Trish

  3. Your Kingfisher is magnificent and is a wonderful inspiration to needleworkers around the world.
    I looked around and enjoyed everything. I downloaded your free Whitework to try as I’ve not done the eyelet embroidery before.
    Thank you for sharing, not just the freebies but your work. Your DD has made a beautiful Web page for you.
    Best wishes for the future

    1. Thanks Maureen glad to you enjoyed the new site and have fun stitching the whitework. I have put another two free projects on so take a look. Trish

  4. Another comment above mentioned not being able to find the free patterns. You said to keep looking. I checked every single item on your menu bar, if that’s the right term, and couldn’t find anything. Help!

    Our chapter of EGA bought your DVD/CD combination and have done a program using the beginner pansy projected offered on the CD. We really enjoyed the program and doing the project. Thanks for offering it.

    1. Hi Cecelia – click on the gallery page and you should see free projects at the top. If you have any more problems please let me know. Glad to hear your EGA chapter made use of the pansy. Thanks Trish

  5. Hi Trish

    Wonderful site. I have today transferred
    into your account R210.00 for the DVD.
    Can u pse post the DVD TO: W C u Plooy
    2 Ivan Street Birchleigh North 1618.



  6. Wow!! your home page is wonderful.And you have an all round well designed website.
    Congratulations to all. I will spread the word.
    Phillipa in NZ

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